
Monday 26 November 2018


Oystercatchers are birds.

Oyster catchers have black feathers.

Oyster catchers live near rocks and sand dunes.

Oyster catchers like to eat little bugs and mussels.

Oyster catchers look very excellent.

By Kowhai

Fisherman return from around the world with their catch. Papa hapuka are as red as a blood moon.
The water is like a big blue moon fall of water. Not far from the shore, I see fish
jumping out at sea.
It is a peaceful and beautiful calm morning.

Back in the distant past, on a Matariki night there was a man called
Moehuri who sailed from Hawaiki to Aotearoa on his waka.
Not to long after, Moehuri could see land then he chanted a

Karakia. Then a giant shark rise from the surface and lead them into the harbour.  
Moehuri said “we should name this place Mangonui”
and that’s how Mangonui got it’s name.
Mangonui is a special place and I like to live there.
should not buy single use plastics.  Instead of
plastic you should buy paper Mangonui is a beautiful place.
it was named after the’ big shark Mangonui.

Put your litter in the bin so we can keep Mangonui ataahua.
As soon as you eat something you have to think where you are
going to put your litter if you don’t you will kill all of our fish,when
they eat it before very long your fish will die. Even though you
like chips your than plastic, so  people can recycle and keep
what they can.

a scary story

One night when the moon  was full
there was something scary in
The  haunted house Then come out I saw a four
eyed...vacuum cleaner! It look like a big monster
with four eyes  It chased me wherever I went, until a
monster human turned it off!!!
Then I went to have some fly and bugs for lunch because I was
so tired and hungry after that.

Image result for lucas the spider

the snow man

he showed me a picture of his home he look sad.
Then he got out of the freezer and I  followed him outside.
I grabbed his hand and we started to run then we were fly in I went into the garage and I opened the freezer and saw a  big snowman into the air. Then I could see a cruise ship and then I saw three mountain goats on the mountain.

I could feel snowflake falling on my hand.

I could hear  seagulls screaming into my ear

I could hear people singing into my ear.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Keep Mangonui Ataahua .

 Mangonui is a beautiful place.It was named after the’ big shark Mangonui.

Put your litter in the bin so we can keep Mangonui ataahua. As soon as you eat something you have to think where you are going to put your litter if you don’t you will kill all of our fish,when they eat it before very long your fish will die. Even though you like chips you  should not buy single use plastics. Instead of plastic you should buy paper more than plastic, so people can recycle and keep what they can.

Mangonui is a special place and I like to live there.

Friday 10 August 2018

Wednesday 27 June 2018


Once upon a time there was a lady called Rona and a dad an two children.  They lived in a pa by a lake.
The lake was so huge like a giant.You could see another island in the distance. Rona was a very angry

One day the dad said “the moon tides is good. I’m going to take our two sons fishing. We will be back
tomorrow in the morning.”  While the dad was fishing, Rona was making some hangi to go with the fish
they had caught. Rona was ready to pull the hoagie out, but she had no water. So she went to go get
some water but the moon went behind some cloud and Rona stubbed her toe. Rona swore at the moon
and said “pokokohua matenga”.  The moon come down angrily and took rona all the way into space.

She was stuck up there forever.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Friday 16 February 2018

mosaic wolf

wailt: Use 2D shapes and the polyline tool to create mosaic art on Google Drawing we made a mosaic art my mosaic art was a wolf it took a li...