
Friday 24 March 2017

it was fun woching the magician  sowir my fabetput bit was when mis yuretich got wet and  my udior  tahi.

Tuesday 21 March 2017


what mice look like

mice are


mice are litte.

some mice are grey 

and some are drown.

some are black

and some arew white.

these mice have two colours.

a mouse has two ears.

two eyrs four little paws

a nose

some teeth

some whiskers

and  a long tail.

these pet mice are 

Friday 17 March 2017

the brain

the brain  is ilike a musi

mosaic wolf

wailt: Use 2D shapes and the polyline tool to create mosaic art on Google Drawing we made a mosaic art my mosaic art was a wolf it took a li...