
Friday 1 December 2017

The Octopus

The octopus  was trying to get into the net as fast as a cheetah but he couldn't fit so he thought and he thought.  Then ta-da he had a idea, then he tried it and it worked.  After the octopus  sucked the carbs up the fisherman started pulling the rope out of the water and the octopus got away and all that was in there was empty shells.

Friday 20 October 2017

the dragon

The baby dragon is flying in   the air.

The cute dragon is  playing with its  toys.

The baby dragon  is flying in the air looking for food.

The  baby dragon and the  flying in the blue sky.

The baby dragon has a spiky tail  and a spiky   head.

the baby dragon  is going to blow fire at his food so he can  eat it.

Image result for dragon

Friday 26 May 2017

At the Marae

I saw the photos on the wall. 
l heard piglets snorting  out  the window. 
l tasted food that was delicious at the kitchen.
I felt happy inside me.

Friday 5 May 2017

Taonga Class
Mangonui School

Monday 28th August 2017

Dear Mr Sedcole,

Hi Mr Sedcole, we need money for the worm farm so we can get the worm wee with a bucket.  We even need a watering can so we can wet the strips of paper.

From Kowhai.

i live at mangonui wis my mum an dad an  sidu an pappa hav  ten ing kikie and it mum is kikiesobool 

the siing i like to do is go to school decause it is vere fun lening 

because i get  mor ijmas at school.

when  i grow up i going to be a hore it is  riduud in because 


Friday 24 March 2017

it was fun woching the magician  sowir my fabetput bit was when mis yuretich got wet and  my udior  tahi.

Tuesday 21 March 2017


what mice look like

mice are


mice are litte.

some mice are grey 

and some are drown.

some are black

and some arew white.

these mice have two colours.

a mouse has two ears.

two eyrs four little paws

a nose

some teeth

some whiskers

and  a long tail.

these pet mice are 

Friday 17 March 2017

the brain

the brain  is ilike a musi

mosaic wolf

wailt: Use 2D shapes and the polyline tool to create mosaic art on Google Drawing we made a mosaic art my mosaic art was a wolf it took a li...